Northern Ireland Film and Television Commission (NIFTC)
has offered grants to 10 cinemas across Northern Ireland to help them purchase
equipment to show subtitled mainstream films.
Deadline now passed!
(Feb 05) 'Cinema
Business ' article on the subject HERE
and / or audio described shows now screening in Northern Ireland HERE
Click HERE for the RNID / NIFTC two minute survey: What do you want from cinema?
Most popular cinema releases are available with subtitles but special equipment is needed to screen them.
The Northern Ireland Film and Television Commission (NIFTC) has offered grants to 10 cinemas across Northern Ireland to help them purchase equipment to show subtitled mainstream films.
The NIFTC would like deaf and hard of hearing people to air their views on this subject and have asked the RNID to conduct a short survey.
Please take a minute to complete the RNID survey. your comments are required by 5pm, Thursday 26th Novermber.
HERE for the
two minute feedback survey
Earlier news:
NIFTC announces fund to widen Cinema Access in Northern Ireland.
Cinemas in Northern Ireland now have an opportunity to become fully accessible to people with hearing or visual impairments!
Please inform cinemas in your area of this offer - the deadline for applications is 30th September 2004*.
*deadline now passed
01 September 2004
Opportunities for people with sensory impairment to view films in cinemas in accessible formats are very limited within Northern Ireland. Only one cinema currently has audio description facilities available for the blind (Moviehouse Belfast) and only 13% have loop equipment making the cinema experience more accessible for some with hearing difficulties.
In order to meet the increasing demand for cinema-going, the NIFTC are pleased to announce the new Cinema Access Programme Equipment Fund. This fund has been established to incentivise cinemas within Northern Ireland to equip themselves with audio description and captioning equipment to enable acess to cinemas for individuals with sensory impairment.
£30,000 has been allocated for the installation of captioning and audio-description equipment in cinemas and the aim is to equip around ten cinemas in Northern Ireland, ensuring as wide a geographical coverage as possible.
A similar fund has already been established in England and the NIFTC have been working closely with the UK Film Council to establish the programme in Northern Ireland.
Applications must be submitted and received by the NIFTC by 5pm on 30 September 2004.
For further information and an application form click here:
further information please contact:
NIFTC, Alfred House 21 Alfred Street Belfast BT2 8ED Northern Ireland
T: +44 (28) 9023 2444
F: +44 (28) 9023 9918
Or visit the NIFTC website HERE
Important news for Exhibitors/Organisers:
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) came into force in 2004 and applies to all buildings that are used by the public. It requires service providers to ensure better access to their goods and services, for people with disabilities.
Cinemas are be expected to 'make reasonable adjustments', to ensure better access, but it is believed that the provision of subtitles are likely to fall under the remit of product or service design, which is not currently covered under the auspices of the current DDA.
It is estimated that up to 5 million people in Britain have some form of serious visual or hearing disability. These people would like to be able to access the cinema experience.
is not tragic to have a disability. Disability only becomes a tragedy when society
fails to provide the things one needs to lead one's life
There are a number of consequences for UK cinemas, such as admission, safety and facilities. Although not forced legislation, cinemas could enable people with sensory impairments to enjoy the cinema experience by considering:
for hearing impaired patrons and
Audio Description for partially sighted and blind patrons.
Film distributors have recognised their responsibilities under the new legislation, and the vast majority of new film releases are now supplied with the necessary media to allow suitable cinemas to provide these additional facilities.
Equipment manufacturers have also recognised the requirements of the new act, and they have developed products to ensure that cinemas are able to meet their legal requirements.
Full Details HERE
The fund is open to organisations or companies that operate fully licensed cinemas
in Northern Ireland and must be used to install equipment
in cinemas operating in Northern Ireland.
• The applicant will need to demonstrate that it, and the cinema(s) to be equipped, is financially viable allowing evidence that the equipment purchased will be utilised for at least 3 years.
• The NIFTC will not fund goods or equipment that have already been purchased or ordered.
• The application can be for the purchase and installation of captioning and audio-description equipment in one or several cinemas.
Partnership funding
The NIFTC expects applicants to find a minimum of 25% of the funding required for the equipment and installation (likely to be less than £3,000).
can for example include:
Earned income
• Capital investment from the applicant.
• Funding from public organisations such as local authorities
• Grants from trust and foundations.
Application process
Applications must be submitted and received by the NIFTC by 5pm on 30 September 2004. The NIFTC will inform applicants as soon as possible if the application is not eligible.
The application will be logged and assessed by the NIFTC with the assistance of expert external assessors. The decision will be made within 8 weeks of the closing date for applications. Offers will be issued within 2 weeks of the decision meeting. If the NIFTC provides a grant to an applicant, the applicant will be required to monitor and evaluate the use of the equipment in terms of increased audiences and availability of screenings in order to inform future NIFTC strategy. The application should therefore contain a proposal for evaluating the use of the equipment and for monitoring audiences.
For further information and an application form click here: