

Supported by the National Lottery & the UK film industry

For film fans with hearing loss, accessible screenings remove the disabling barrier, for a few hours at least, achieving greater inclusion and community integration, and inspiring more cinema visits.

YourLocalCinema has raised, and continues to raise, the visibility of accessible cinema. Every week, YourLocalCinema promotes around 2,000 English-language captioned screenings and thousands more foreign-language subtitled screenings UK-wide, directly to more than 100,000 film fans - the vast majority of whom have hearing loss. Its popular website helps drive more than a million ticket sales annually.

YourLocalCinema is proud to collaborate with the UK film industry to help ensure that film fans with hearing loss can enjoy (rather than endure) the cinema experience. YourLocalCinema is extremely grateful to financial supporters:

Film Distributors' Association and UK film distributors
The FDA is the trade body representing film distributors that account for over 95% of UK cinema admissions. Warner Bros., Disney, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal, Parmount, Sony and many more. The major distributors ensure that all of their films are accessible to cinema-goers with hearing or sight loss. The FDA has supported YourLocalCinema since 2004.

2 Newburgh Street, London W1F 7RD
info@fda.uk.net   •  https://filmdistributorsassociation.com

BFI - British Film Institute
The BFI is the lead body for film in the UK with the ambition to create a flourishing film environment in which innovation, opportunity and creativity can thrive. It has supported YourLocalCinema since 2004.

BFI, 21 Stephen Street, London W1T 1LN
info@bfi.org.uk   •  www.bfi.org.uk

In-kind support:

Cobweb Solutions
Cobweb is the number one Cloud Solutions provider in Europe and the power behind our website. Microsoft's Partner of the Year, it provides uninterrupted 24/7 internet & email services and has won many industry awards. It has supported YourLocalCinema since 2004.

Cobweb Solutions, Cams Hall Estate, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 8UX

Screentrade covers all aspects of International Cinema Exhibition, Film Distribution and Global Cinema Supply. It enjoys a wide readership including cinema industry executives at all levels. Its annual International DIrectory is distributed to 3,000+ film-industry companies, with an estimated pass-through circulation of over 10,000.

Screentrade Media Ltd, PO Box 144, Orpington, Kent BR6 6LZ
sales@screentrademagazine.com   • www.screentrademagazine.com

IFDNRG provides services to a wide range of online content covering music, live sports, corporate events, agency campaigns and more. It has supported YourLocalCinema since 2004.

IFDNRG, 127 Rose Street, South Lane, Edinburgh, EH2 4BB
paul@ifdnrg.com   •  www.ifdnrg.com

© Your Local Cinema 2025

BFI & FDA-supported YourLocalCinema (YLC) helps the UK cinema industry to better-welcome, engage and grow an under-served nationwide audience - film-fans with hearing loss, whether congenital, acquired, or age-related.

It's estimated that more than ten million people live with some level of hearing loss, in every UK village, town and city. Each year in the UK, hundreds of children are born with significant hearing loss. Thousands of young people have hearing loss. Our society is ageing, and with ageing, some loss of hearing is inevitable. Access to film - via subtitles/captions - is something that we may all appreciate, eventually.

YLC utilises targeted, localised, email/social media/mobile marketing to promote thousands of captioned/subtitled screenings each week DIRECT to its unique database of 100,000+ film fans with hearing loss.

YLC has a long legacy as a reliable and trusted source of information. It has been developing and nurturing its niche audience for more than two decades and has continued to grow and adapt as a result of customer feedback. Co-founded and co-managed by a profoundly deaf film fan, YLC can relate to its audience. YLC ensures that film fans with hearing loss can directly engage and correspond in a variety of welcoming, valued, deaf-friendly formats that include text messaging, live chat, email, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, very active Twitter, and, if requested, signed or text chat over Zoom.

As the main port of call for captioned cinema listings, trailers and info, the YLC website receives more than a million visits each year. It has helped many people to come back to the cinema, or to attend for the very first time.

Increasing & improving UK cinema's access provision has made a positive, cultural, long-term impact on society. Here's some feedback from appreciative customers and peers:


An award winning service! YourLocalCinema has been successful in winning some high-profile awards voted for by the public and its peers in the UK film industry. Winning awards helps to spread awareness of accessible cinema.

Winner: The BKSTS Award recognises and rewards the efforts & achievements of companies that have helped ensure that cinema is available to all.

Winner: The Daily Mail 'People's Choice' Award recognises people who have turned community social enterprise ideas into reality. Thousands of Daily Mail newspaper readers voted.

Winner: The European Commission Access Culture Award celebrate those who work to make culture more accessible. More than 250 projects were submitted.

Winner: The Barco Innovation in Cinema Award recognises the efforts & achievements of people working in the UK film industry.

Winner: The British Telecom Remote Workers Award honours workers without an office that create great positive impact.

Finalist: The National Lottery Awards recognise projects that help local communities. The popular BBC TV show helped create mass, nationwide awareness of YourLocalCinema and accessible cinema.

Nominated: Screen Awards, Cinema Marketing Campaign of the Year. The awards recognise excellence in UK film marketing, publicity and brand partnerships, acknowledging those that contribute to the success of the British film industry.


Donations welcome! Helping to put bums on seats takes time. And time costs money. YourLocalCinema is a non-profit service. Like to help? please get in touch: subtitles@yourlocalcinema.com £1 per week/per cinema, or 3p from each captioned ticket issued would cover annual costs!


Subtitled / Captioned Films & Screenings

Subtitled / Captioned Trailers

Cinema Locations